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Sunday, October 29, 2006 

My Time

There is one thing that I have learnt or rather discovered after years of working.You either enjoy what you do to the extent of giving up other things that you enjoy or else do not enjoy your work and find joy in other pursuits that interest you. I am saying this because I am currently enjoying what I am doing so when I leave work I am content just doing nothing. There was a time not so long back when I was not enjoying my work and I used to leave work or rather at work plan what I was going to do to relieve my-self of the monotony of my life. I used to either be planning an outing, it could be a movie, lunch or dinner, or pubbing. One thing that I enjoyed doing was thinking what to write in my blog that I started not so long back. Now things are different as I am contentedly tired at the end of the day so I am happy just coming home to the warmth and coziness of my home and the time spent with my husband.
As of now my husband is out of town or rather has gone to his home town so I thought of jotting a few lines so that there is a new post in my blog. For some time the fact that few or rather nearly no one read my posts made me sad but strangely today as I write this I feel good to be able to spend some time with my-self knowing that these lines will remain testimony to my thoughts without the intrusion of them by wondering what someone may think or not think.

About me

  • I'm Shree
  • From Chennai / Kolkata, India
  • Living in the present, reminiscing the past. This is the story of my life in the present, entwined in the longings of the past and anticipation and optimism about the future.
My profile

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