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Saturday, September 30, 2006 


I have been gone for quite sometime, nearly a month and so much has happened in the time that I have been away. For one, I changed my job and have taken up an assignment which is challenging and very time consuming. Though I love the challenge and the opportunity it will give me to enhance my skills and put the ones I have honed over a period of time to test, it gives me little time to day dream and write. However once I have settled down and all the stress related to the change are in control I would be able to get back to being here more often.
The word "change" to me is always associated with stress. The change may be positive or negative but it always induces a whole gamut of emotions from joy to despair in me. Though I am a person who takes alot of risks in life and thereby am always undergoing so many changes I hate "change".
My friends always tell me that my life is one long melodrama which they love to hear stories about it has alot of stress thrown in for equal measure. I hate monotony as it causes boredom but also hate change .Quite contradictory and confused one might think me to be but we humans however brave, adventourous we may be do not really adapt to change easily and I am no exception.
How many of us for all our adventourous streak would want to use a different tooth paste every morning or for that matter would want to even swap between our regular morning tea or coffee.
We crave the comfort and security of our habits. To me change is something that I plunge into hoping that if I hold my breath for a while, I will surface and can then swim across comfortably.
Those of us who swim or dive can relate to it and even though we may be adept at both, a new swimming pool would certainly give us a slight shiver up our spine though sometimes we do not even notice it.
However change is the only thing that is eternal and the more we practise adaptation the easier it gets.

About me

  • I'm Shree
  • From Chennai / Kolkata, India
  • Living in the present, reminiscing the past. This is the story of my life in the present, entwined in the longings of the past and anticipation and optimism about the future.
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